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Round Ball Performance vs Conical Bullet Performance
Conical bullet performance vs round ball performance

.44-40 - Black Powder Reloading
Reloading black powder .44-40 on a Dillon

Spencer Carbine - From Taylor’s & Co.
Replica Spencer carbine

Spencer Rifle - Taylor’s & Co.
Replica Spencer Rifle

Colt’s Burgess Rifle - Uberti Replica
Burgess rifle replica

Your First Cap & Ball
Buying your first cap & ball revolver

Fast-Handling Belly Guns
Cap & ball belly guns

DGW LeMat Navy .44/20 GA
Dixie Gun Works LeMat Revolver

Dixie Gun Works Spiller & Burr Confederate Revolver
Dixie Gun Works Spiller & Burr Confederate Revolver

FMK 9C1 Bill of Rights 9mm
Defending yourself, loved ones, and your rights as an American

E.M.F.’s Snub Nose 1860
A compact version of Colt’s classic Model 1860 Army revolver.

GI Combat .45 Revolver
Colt’s Model 1917 get rejuvenated by Alan Harton.

Working Man’s Double Rifle
EAA’s .45-70 Baikal Double Rifle is an economic way to get into double rifle shooting.

Custom Longrifle Masterpiece
Shawn Webster moonlighted from quill working to build this custom longrifle for the author.

High Caliber Craftsman
Profile of gunmaker Ian Pratt.

ATI Fatboy Lightweight
Compact double stack 2011 in .45 ACP.

American Pioneer Powder
Black powder substitute.

Handloading on the go
Portable reloading tools that go where you go.

Smoothbore Shootout
Flintlock smoothbores are more accurate than most people think.

Shooting Paper Cartridges In Cap & Ball Revolvers
Shoot historically correct paper cartridges in your revolvers.
- .44-40
- .45 ACP revolvers
- 1851 Navy
- 9mm
- artisan
- Artisan
- Bill of rights
- black powder
- black powder shooting
- Black Powder substitutes
- Bozeman Trail
- Bucks County
- cap & ball
- carbine
- cartridges
- Civil War
- Colts
- Dillion
- Double Action revolvers
- double rifle
- Eighteenth Century
- flintlocks
- Fort Frederick
- fowlers
- French & Indian War
- frontier food
- gunmaker
- handloading
- LeMat
- lever action
- longrifle
- Longrifle
- muskets
- pistol
- profile
- reenactment
- reloading
- Rifle
- S. Thomas Bailey
- single action revolvers
- sixgun
- smoothbore
- Spencer rifle
- Spiller & Burr
- survival food
- Taylor's
- texas rangers
- Uberti
- World War I