Photo Gallery
Mike shooting an 1851 Navy replica
Remington New Police revolver in .38 rimfire
Colt's Model 1849 Pocket Model, the most popular American cap & ball revolver.
Colt's Baby Dragoon
Colt Model 1849
Three replica medieval arming swords spanning the 11th through the 14th century
Uberti replica of Colt's 1851 Navy revolver
An assortment of Colt Navy revolver replicas
A selection of Colt 1860 Army revolvers
Original Remington 1890 revolver
Original Remington 1890 revolver (top) compared to an Uberti 1890 replica revolver
Pedersoli Brown Bess with a buck & ball paper cartridge
Original Colt 1851 Navy revolver
Original Colt Navy revolver
Original 1851 Navy with an Uberti replica (holstered)
Colt Model 1877 revolver
Colt 1860 Army revolver, third generation
Mike's Colt model 1877 DA revolver
Colt Model 1878 DA revolver
Colt 1878 double action revolver
Colt Single Action Army revolver, third generation
Colt Single Action Army revolver, second generation
Colt Single Action Army revolver with a black powder frame
12 GA English flintlock fowling piece
12 GA fowler with hunting pouch and powder horn
Merwin Hulbert 2nd Model Pocket Army revolver in .44-40
Uberti replica of a Winchester Model 1873 carbine
British sporting rifles of the 19th century
Mike in colonial garb.
Mike shooting a flintlock rifle